Democratic Member of the United States Parliament Jimmy Gomez wants his colleague Marjorie Taylor Greene to be expelled from Congress.


Taylor Greene, who is known as a supporter of former President Donald Trump and the far-right QAnon conspiracy theory, has expressed support in 2018 and 2019 for calls to have Democratic party leaders executed or himself to do so.

Congressman Gomez has announced that he will submit a proposal to remove his Georgia colleague from her elected office.

Gomez believes that not only should Taylor Greene be expelled from the House of Representatives, but her Republican colleagues should also condemn her. Most of them, however, are not eager to do that, reports CNN.

However, the spokesman for the Republican group chairman in the House of Representatives says that he finds the statements made by Taylor Greene “deeply disturbing”. Party leader Kevin McCarthy plans to have a conversation with her, a statement said.

Republican leader Steve Scalise, himself the victim of a politically motivated gunman in 2017, says of Taylor Greene’s statements that there is “no room for statements like this in the political debate”.

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