China has finished military exercises near Taiwan after six days. The military says it has “successfully completed” several tasks around Taiwan. The exercises responded to the visit of top American politician Nancy Pelosi to the island state. The military says via social media Weibo, that its forces will closely […]
Executives Asked to Drag Suitcases at Airport in Australia Due to Staff Shortage
Australian airline Qantas office executives have been asked to assist full-time with baggage handling at airports for three months. Due to the staff shortage, Qantas can operate fewer flights than planned. That is why assistance is needed. Operations Director Colin Hughes sent a memo to executives. It states that […]
First Grain Ship has Left Ukrainian Port
For the first time since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a ship carrying grain has left the port of Odesa. The corn-loaded freighter Razoni left port for Lebanon on Monday morning, CNN Türk reported on the authority of the Turkish Defense Ministry. Initially, it was announced […]
Biden Win: Opposing Senator Joe Manchin Turns Cart and Backs Climate Law Anyway
A bill with which Joe Biden wants to tackle climate change and make healthcare cheaper, among other things, now seems to have a chance of success. Democratic jammer Joe Manchin has unexpectedly expressed his support. An important victory beckons for US President Joe Biden. A bill with a package […]
Major Consumer Brands in Supermarkets Benefit from High Inflation
The large sellers of consumer products Danone and Reckitt Benckiser (RB) are counting on better sales this year due to the sharp rise in inflation. Indeed, the overall tenor of price increases makes it possible for companies to increase the prices of their products. Danone, the company behind Activia […]
Major Forest Fire in Germany Leads to Evacuations
A forest fire in northeastern Germany has grown to 800 hectares in one day. About two hundred people had to be evacuated because of the fire hazard, and it is expected that hundreds more will have to flee from the fire. The fire started Monday afternoon near the village […]
Nearly 900,000 Ukrainian Refugees Registered in Germany
Germany has registered more than 890,000 Ukrainian citizens since the Russian attack on Ukraine on February 24. However, it is unclear how many are currently left in Germany. A significant proportion may have travelled to other countries or returned to Ukraine. Ukrainians can travel to Germany and other EU […]
Ford has Enough Batteries for 600,000 Electric Cars Per Year
Ford Motor has secured the supply of enough batteries to produce 600,000 electric vehicles per year from next year. The American automaker announced this in a statement on Thursday. The production target for the coming years is a huge step forward, as Ford only sold 27,140 plug-in vehicles in […]
Gasunie Sees Turnover Increase by 25 Percent Due to Uncertainty About Russian Gas
Gasunie turnover rises due to unrest about gas transport in Europe after Russia invaded Ukraine. The gas price has given Gasunie a boost. The turnover of the state-owned company increased by 25% in the first half to €897 million, compared to the same period last year. It expects more […]
New Evacuations After Forest Fire in Gironde
A forest fire south of Bordeaux forces the evacuation of three municipalities, Landiras, Budos, and Balzac, where about 3,500 people live. The Gironde department has been dealing with forest fires for almost a week. Two villages were evacuated west of a fire on Saturday. But the wind direction often […]