A federal appeals court in the United States has ruled that postal votes received in the swing state of Minnesota after election day on November 3 should no longer be counted. With that, the court ranks behind the Republicans in the state.


Under the Minnesota electoral law, postal votes received up to election day may be included. However, that cut-off date was broadened by the highest-ranking election official in the state, after a citizen group objected earlier this year.

Under the new regulation, votes received up to November, 10 could be counted, as long as they were cancelled on November 3.

However, the court of appeal is now reversing that. A majority of the judges believe that the election official in question, Democrat Simon Paul, violates the constitution by moving the postal vote deadline.

“Simply put, he does not have the power to override Minnesota legislation,” the court said in a statement.

Postal voting has been the subject of numerous lawsuits throughout the United States. The corona pandemic means that more Americans than ever are voting by letter.

President Trump has often argued, despite what experts say, that postal voting encourages electoral fraud. According to his critics, Trump anticipates a possible loss and tries to exclude voters in his favour.

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